
The IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Update Version updates IPv4 and IPv6 address allocations and dark space information using the updates provided in the IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Update.

Here is the online instruction. Recommendations


IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Update comes with the following recommendations:

  • ArcSight recommends that assets are allocated to the local network only, and that the Global network does not contain assets. Zones with categories assigned to them that are replaced as part of the zone update process will lose their category assignments, thus ArcSight also recommends that you do not assign categories to the system zones.
  • ArcSight recommends that you perform a full system database table backup (export_system_tables), and export the current ArcSight Network package before using zoneUpdate. If the zone update process is interrupted, or a problem occurs, restore your data to the stable backup before running zoneUpdate again.
  • ArcSight recommends running zoneUpdate during non-peak system time.Applying Zone Updates

Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software

Micro Focus provides a digital public key to enable you to verify that the signed software you received is indeed from Micro Focus and has not been manipulated in any way by a third party.
Visit the following site for information and instructions:

Applying Zone Updates

Below are steps to install the zoneUpdate zip file and use the zoneUpdate command to apply the zone updates.

  1. Log in as user arcsight.
  2. Verify that the Manager is running.
  3. Extract the file into any directory. The zipped files extract into the folder ArcSight_Networks_x.x.x.x, which contains the files ArcSight_Networks.arb and Zone_Removal_Tool.xml. Do not change the name of this folder or the names of the extracted files.
  4. Verify that user arcsight has write permissions to the directory into which you extracted
  5. As user arcsight, run this command:/opt/arcsight/manager/bin/arcsight zoneUpdate -m<Manager hostname or IP address> -u <user with administrative privileges>-f <folder where zip file was extracted>

Minimum Requirements

ESM 7.2 or later

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555.1 KB
Jun 16, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 7.2 · 7.3 · 7.4 · 7.5 · 7.6 · 7.7 · 7.8
Release notes

The IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Update Version zoneUpdate command updates IPv4 and IPv6 address allocations and dark space information using the updates provided in the IPv4 and IPv6 Zones Update.



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