
This download consists of a ZIP file containing two filters (EnFilter files): one for entries and one for artifacts (aka records).

The filters are designed to make it easier to locate, edit, and launch conditions from multiple locations (as per the internal EnScript launcher). They also make it easier to create modified copies of the conditions that ship with EnCase.

When saving a modified condition, the user's conditions folder will be used by default. This can be changed.

It's important to note that the location of a saved condition will be stored within the condition itself - this is a requirement of EnCase.

Moving a condition after its saved may therefore result in problems if subsequently edited/executed directly from EnCase.

The filters are not bound by this limitation as they ignore the internal path of any condition they launch.

Note that the name shown in the condition-editor dialog is not used in any way; it is ignored when a copy of a condition is saved.

When scanning the path(s) specified by the user, all conditions will be indexed regardless of the type of object they're designed to process, i.e., entries or artifacts.

If none of the indexed conditions are suited to processing the type of object currently in view, none will be shown in the search dialog.

The filters should be extracted and copied to the user's Documents\EnCase\Filter folder.

Both filters use the same path(s) specified by the user, so it's not necessary to specify those paths twice.

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Run Condition As Filter
Aug 1, 2024
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Tested with:
EnCase Forensic 8.08


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release-rel-2025-2-1-6322 | Wed Feb 5 16:30:41 PST 2025