This exam is designed to comprehensively assess your proficiency in the OpenText Operations Orchestration (OO) software, ensuring that you have both a fundamental and advanced understanding of its features and capabilities.
The certification process evaluates your familiarity with a wide array of OO functionalities, including advanced features and managed automated workflows.
This achievement validates your expertise in using OO and signifies your ability to manage and implement sophisticated automated workflows within the OO environment.
This certification exam consists of 60 questions. The test time limit is 2 hours. A passing score is 70% or better, which equates to 42 out of 60 correct answers.
One attempt is included with each certification exam purchase.
DURATION: 2 hours
DELIVERY TYPE: Certification Exam
ROLE/LEVEL: Developer
AUDIENCE: Workflow Developers, Automation Operators, other Engineers responsible for the implementation of OO
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