
This three-day course introduces students to advanced concepts of flow development and usage of the Micro Focus Operations Orchestration (OO) software along with some integration. OO is part of Micro Focus Cloud Automation solutions.
This course introduces best practices related to content authoring, structuring, and promotion. The execution order internal to OO is explained in detail. This course further focuses on advanced topics including using scriptlets, using Representational State Transfer (REST) to interact with OO Central, using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to interact with web services and using semaphores. A number of topics dive deeper into the use of OO to automate tasks, such as creating PDFs and interfacing with Subversion (SVN) from within OO flows.
A separate, full day topic discusses the use of CloudSlang, an open source, textual authoring tool that integrates with OO.
The course consists of focused, task-oriented lectures, text, and a series of detailed hands-on labs to teach the course material to the student.

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OO320-202008 -2020.08
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Course outline

Audience summary:

Workflow developers, System Administrators, and Automation Operators

Delivery Type:

Instructor-led (ILT) and Virtual (VILT)

Duration of the course:

3 day(s)


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