
Course Outline

This learning series covers how a Service or Process Owner will use the Service Management Automation X (SMAX) agent interface to sponsor, design, document, publicize and continuously improve different processes by ensuring compliance with enterprise policies. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.

Audience Summary

SMAX Suite Administrators

Learning Series Scenario

You are a suite administrator who wants to perform administration tasks for the Service Management Automation suite for setting up SMAX from configuring an email server to creating or importing a customer, account, user, license, license pools, and tenant. You will add the created users to the account, licenses to the license pools, assign a license to the tenant and deploy the tenant. You also configure suite level settings in Configurations, including security, email, and integration, view the operations history, and configure access control. From configuring, creating, importing, assigning, adding, managing, administering, and analyzing these suite administrative operations you will learn how SMAX helps in this and future situations.

Learning Series Topics

Lesson 1 : Setting up an email server

Lesson 2: Onboarding the required resources

Lesson 3: Operating licenses

Lesson 4: Managing and deploying tenants

Lesson 5: Administering the suite settings

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Suggested courses are based on product compatibility, popularity, and newness.


SMAX320SP Lesson 1
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Course outline

Lesson 1 : Setting up an email server

Concepts: You will use suite administration interface back office to navigate to the suite administration area and setup an email server configuration. Demo: Demonstrate configuring and working with the SMTP mail server.

SMAX320SP - Lesson 2
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Lesson 2: Onboarding the required resources

Concepts: You will use the back office to: Create and manage customers, accounts, import users, and assign users to accounts. Demo: Demonstrate onboarding resources from creating to linking customers, accounts, and users

SMAX320SP - Lesson 3
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Lesson 3: Operating licenses

Concepts: You will use the back office to: Create or upload licenses, and add licenses to license pools, assign licenses to the suite. Demo: Demonstrate how to create a license, license pool and add licenses to license pool.

SMAX320SP - Lesson 4
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Lesson 4: Managing and deploying tenants

Concepts: You will use the back office to: Create a tenant, assign license to a tenant, enabling access control, manage shared service providers with multi tenancy environment and deploy a tenant. Demo: Demonstrate how to create and deploy tenants

SMAX320SP - Lesson 5
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Lesson 5: Administering the suite settings

Concepts : Manage single sign-on (SSO), export suite configuration data, LDAP settings, smart search contents, IDOL admin actions and intervals, license expiration notification, and operation history. Demo: Demonstrate how to administer the service management suite through additional configurations, and view suite operation history


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