ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit provides an automated alternative to setting up cloud infrastructure to deploy the suite. Automation provided through ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit is developed over Terraform. With minimal configuration, ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit simplifies the setup of the entire infrastructure to a few steps.
Alongside ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit, Cloud Formation Templates are provided to ease the manual setup of the cloud infrastructure.
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit files are digitally signed using GPG.
Instructions to verify signature can be found at
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Google Cloud
Vertica Deployment in GCP will now be done using Vertica Management Console from Google Marketplace.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Microsoft Azure
Centos support is removed in Azure. All VMs will now be using Rocky Linux.
Google Cloud
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit is now capable of creating infrastructure on GCP for Application deployment.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
In latest release of kubectl, there is a mismatch in kubectl version for linux and windows. Due to this Cloud Toolkit was not able to pick the latest kubectl. We have fixed that issue in this patch.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
RDS certificates from rds-ca-2019 Certificate Authority is set to expire in August 2024. Hence the Certificate Authority for RDS is updated to rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 in AWS.
Vertica 12 AMIs are moved under deprecation and hence it will not be visible in AWS console. To support Vertica 12 in Cloud Tool Kit, we have included deprecated AMIs.
Microsoft Azure
Certificate Authority for flexible DB is changed from DigiCertGlobalRootG2 to Microsoft_RSA_Root_Certificate_Authority_2017 in Azure.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Supporting 24.x version of Vertica. This installation will be rpm based unlike previous version which used Vertica MC console.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Consumers must use this patch for 24.1 as it fixes the following known issue:
During installation on AWS using Cloud Toolkit, database connectivity issue observed due to recent change in default AWS Certificate.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Microsoft AZURE
Enabled Azure CNI Overlay networking configuration for Azure Kubernetes Service.
Added support for existing DNS Zone.
Diagnostic settings options enabled for Azure Kubernetes Service.
Added support for User Managed Identity to Log In Azure Subscription.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Added support for existing VPC and other network configurations.
Microsoft Azure
Added support for Flexible db in PostgreSQL.
Added support for Customer Managed Key Encryption for supported resources.
Private Cluster is enabled for AKS.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
Amazon AWS
Added support for TLS 1.3 in Terraform script.
Releasing CloudFormation templates.
Microsoft Azure
Added support for existing VNet and subnet in Terraform script.
Added support for TLS 1.3 in terraform script.
For more details, please visit the documentation here
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2023.05 release brings the following capabilities, on top of the previous releases, and should be run as independent binary.
Added support for Kubernetes 1.24 and 1.25.
Added support for Vertica 11 and 12.
Vertica EON mode support is added alongwith Enterprise mode.
Monitoring and Logging enabled for RDS.
Option to enable Logging and Encryption for EKS.
Microsoft Azure
Option to enable Logging for AKS.
Option to enable Encryption for AKS and PostgreSQL.
Private endpoint connection enabled for Fileshare.
For documentation please refer OpenText doc portal here .
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2022.11 release brings the following capabilities, on top of the previous releases, and should be run as independent binary.
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2022.05 brings the below enhancements and fixes and should be run as independent binary.
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2021.11 Patch 1 brings the below fixes and should be run as independent binary.
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2021.11 release brings the following capabilities, on top of the previous releases, and should be run as independent binary.
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit 2021.08 Patch 1 brings the below fixes and should be run as independent binary.
For Terraform binary:
· Updated Vertica AMI IDs to 10.1.1-7
· Kubernetes (AKS) version number on Azure is now exposed as top-level setting
For Cloud Formation Template:
· Updated Vertica AMI IDs to 10.1.1-7
· Corrected Bastion AMI ID in us-east-1
ITOM Cloud Deployment Toolkit provides an automated alternative to setting up cloud infrastructure to deploy the suite.