Installation of Operations Agent 12.23 fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL9.0, 9.1 (as well as on RHEL-derived platforms OEL 9.0, 9.1, and Rocky Linux 9.0, 9.1) due to libncurses dependency.
By replacing this package, Installation would be successful but with a limitation - glance will not be supported
1) Download and mount the Operations Agent 12.23 iso (Linux or Allarch) image.
2) Copy the content of the mounted iso directory applicable to the Linux platform, to another directory.
3) Take a backup of "packages/LIN/Linux3.10_X64/" and "packages/LIN/Linux3.10_X64/oareqcheck.cfg" from the copied location above.
4) Download and extract the file "" which contains "" and "oareqcheck.cfg".
5) Execute the below command to copy "" and "oareqcheck.cfg" from the zip file to the directory where the mounted iso contents are copied.
cp <Copied directorypath>/packages/LIN/Linux3.10_X64/
cp oareqcheck.cfg <Copied directorypath>/packages/LIN/Linux3.10_X64/
6) Now Operations Agent package is ready to install
After installing Operations Agent 12.23, apply hotfix HF_OA_200123_OCTCR19G1772720 to enable glance support for the above platforms.
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This package contains the files that also support to install OA 12.23 on RHEL 9.1.
Note: No action is required if OA 12.23 is installed and running on RHEL 9.1
Installation of Operations Agent 12.23 fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 (as well as on RHEL 9 derived platforms OEL 9 and Rocky Linux 9) due to libncurses dependency.
By replacing this package, Installation is successful with a limitation - glance will not be supported
Please upgrade to one of the following broswers: Internet Explorer 11 (or greater) or the latest version of Chrome or Firefox