
The OBM Management Pack for Informix Database helps administrators efficiently monitor distributed enterprise-wide Informix Database environments from a central, best-in-class console.

The Management Pack helps to increase the Informix Database availability and performance, visualize capacity shortages and trends and lower the overall cost of maintaining your Informix Database environments.

The OBM Management Pack for Informix Database provides out of the box Management Templates (MT) for monitoring Informix Database instances. There is Essential Management Template which can be deployed for all kind of Informix Database instances and can be customized based on different monitoring needs. The MTs constitutes of out of the box Aspects to monitor different aspects of your Informix Database instances. The OBM Management Pack is capable of monitoring Informix Databases in all deployment scenarios; whether it is a standalone or cluster deployment.

Users can also tune the configuration for individual Informix Database instances from a single console from the OBM server providing a seamless user experience.

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OBM Management Pack for Informix Database 01.00.0000
13.1 MB
Sep 1, 2016
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Product compatibility
Version 10.0 · 10.20 · 10.10 · 10.11 · 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Release notes

Key highlights of this release:

- Essential Management Template is added to manage primary monitoring areas of Informix Database instance environments for Availability, Locks, Transaction, Log, Cache and so on along with critical infrastructure areas such as resource bottleneck diagnosis and system fault.

- Aspects to monitor Informix Database areas such as :

--Availability : Monitors availability of on init process, Informix instance anddatabase state.

--Cache Performance : Monitors cache performance like read, write and percentage data buffer modified.

--Locks : Monitors deadlocks, sessions ,locks availability and lock waits.

--Sessions : Monitors number of sessions open and number of users with sessions open.

--Transactions : Monitors long transactions, commits, rollbacks etc.

--Shared Memory : Monitors shared memory metrics like size of SHM, virtual segments and used percentage memory.

--Checkpoint : Monitors checkpoint performance metrics like completion rate, duration and wait.

--Disk Utilization : Monitors Foreground writes, LRU writes, Chunk writes, Delta of physical reads and writes since last collection.

--Logical Logs : Monitors logical log metrics like free pages, free percentage and used percentage.

--Physical Logs : Monitors chunk down, page utilization in physical log, dbspaces and blobspaces.

--Sort and Scan : Monitors sequential scans, disk sort rate, total sort rate, maximum space used by sort and sorts in memory.

--Space Utilization : Monitors space metrics like allocated space for instance, database and table. It also monitors extents.

- User Defined Aspect is added to create and monitor user defined metrics.

- Monitors errors and failures generated by Informix Database for each running instance with predefined patterns and custom patterns.

- Diagnostic tools are added for Transaction, Physical and Logical Logs, Cache, Sort and Scan, Sessions and Chunk.

- Key Performance Indicators are added for Informix Database instance availability, Sessions, Transaction, Physical and Logical Logs, Cache, Sort and Scan, Sessions and Chunk.

- Performance Dashboard, Visualize the performance of Informix Database instance and it's host at a glance and Overlay performance data with Event.

- Configuration Item (CI) based deployment.

- Parameterization for easy customization and deployment.

Release Notes:

  • Updated new URL for downloading the Re-branded Management packsNote:

Download and install " " from the "GET IT" URL.

Doc Portal Link :


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