Operations Agent Health Analyzer and Alerting tool
This tool works on top of inbuilt opr-agt CLI output and will help you to monitor 1000s of your agent, Agent connection issues and Failed process. You can configure it to send alerts to OMi. Do not miss any agent or server down alerts anymore.
Why to use this tool?
By default we know that OBM monitor the agents and we can configure any agent to enable self monitoring, But many times we have seen that sometimes we miss such alerts, Either because of agent issue. Also it will only send a single time. The best way to check the status of all the agent in the OBM is to use opr-agt (scheduled to run). But the output of opr-agt is very long and not a readable format. So we made this tool which can covert the output of opr-agt into a readable and understanding output. Also we added an option to create an alert template. ( which is consolidate, no seperate alert for multiple failures on single server )
This tool will help you to even enhance your current agent health self-monitoring and provides a more accurate way to check the status.
How to use ?
- Schedule the opr-agt or get the output by below on OMi server
opr-agt -username username -password password -status –all > c:\tmp\AgentStatus.txt
- Use 'Settings.ini' for configuring your settings ( Disable prompt, Automatic alert, Message Format )
- Run or schedule the AgentCheck.exe, You will see the result of the program in the 'Output' folder which includes list of failures along with .cmd file with automatically created alert template for all failures.
Do not miss agent alerts anymore
You can schedule this tool to automatically send agent health to OMi at defined intervals ( provided opr-agt output need to be scheduled).
Do not worry if so many process failures (Too many agent health messages)
Tool will automatically aggregate multiple process failures on single agent and will create single message output for you.
Sample included for 1500+ Agents
Contact info
For any feedback, Enhancement or query, email me @ any below
This Tool works on top of opr-agt output, You need to schedule it.
Tool execution only on windows, But alert template can be changed to suite your environment.
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