
Add Advanced Process Capabilities

  • Understand the difference between orchestrations, Web services, and ModScripts, and be able to articulate when it is important to use each
  • Use references to associate multiple process apps, then use features across referenced process apps
  • Use the REST grid widget to pull data from any Web service that supports the REST format and display that data on a custom form in your application
  • Create complex form actions to control form behavior. Form actions should incorporate at least one rule
  • Implement queues that enable a set of users to take responsibility for items

Add Advanced Configuration Capabilities

  • Promote applications across multiple environments
  • Modify or translate SBM labels, page headers, and static labels
  • Create custom notifications that send e-mails to at least one broadcast channel
  • Create escalation notifications that transition items to another state
  • Use Import data features to add and update user accounts and item data
  • Create application groups that “bundle” a set of similar applications

Demonstrate Ability to Integrate SBM to External Systems and Programs

  • Develop and package solutions and extensions so that they can be consumed by other SBM systems
  • Create scripts that execute during transitions and notifications
  • Use the Application Engine Web Services API to develop integrations that create, read, update, or delete SBM items
  • Use JavaScripts to access external data through JSON or Ajax calls and then incorporate external data into custom forms
  • Create orchestrations to manipulate SBM and to connect SBM to SOA-enabled external products, and incorporate these orchestrations into an application

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SBM410 1.0
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SBM designers, administrators, and users

Delivery Type:

Certification Exam


1 hour



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