
Process Designer Content Packs for Service Manager enable different process modules to utilize Process Designer and deliver new features and workflows.

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Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.2
3.4 MB
Jun 21, 2017
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Product compatibility
Version 9.31
Release notes

Service Manager (SM) Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.2 includes some enhancements and a number of fixes for problems introduced in previous Process Designer Content Pack releases.

Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.2 provides the following enhancements in addition to those in Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.0 and 9.30.1:

  • Support of applying change model to existing change records. In addition, you can configure whether or not this “Apply Change Model” option is available for a specific workflow phase.
  • Task planner (was called “task editor” before this release) has been enhanced:
  1. Support of adding conditions for task creation by using the Condition Editor embedded in the task planner in change model.
  2. Support of planning mandatory tasks in the task planner in change model.
  3. Task planner now is also available from change records for you to view or plan change tasks.
  • The Service Catalog connector "Open a Change" is enhanced to support the use of change model to open a change record.
  • Support of configurable filtering of change models by using script function.
  • Support of configuring custom fields to be copied from a change model to a change record by using link file.
  • You can now use Mass Cancel to cancel all the opened tasks for a change record.
  • Security improvement: some mappings between the old profiles and the new Process Designer security rights are corrected

For more information about these enhancements, see the Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.2 Aministrator’s Guide.

Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.3
11.9 MB
Jun 21, 2017
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Product compatibility
Version 9.31
Release notes

Service Manager Process Designer (PD) Content Pack 9.30.3 includes the following features in addition to those that were included in previous Process Designer content packs:

  • Implements the Process Designer framework for the Help Desk modules (Service Desk, Incident Management, and Problem Management)
  • Supports interaction between PD Help Desk modules and other modules, including PD Change Management, Request Management, PD Knowledge Management, and Service Level Management
  • Supports phase-based Response SLO for Service Desk and Incident Management
  • Adds Incident tasks to PD Help Desk and supports SLA for Incident tasks
  • Applies Process Designer security mechanism to PD Help Desk modules, including:
  1. New Process Designer security areas for PD Help Desk modules
  2. New Process Designer security roles for PD Help Desk modules
  3. Help Desk security profiles are migrated to PD security roles and rights
  4. Access rights for the navigation menu and for the Inbox are replaced by Process Designer security roles and rights
  • Adds the following usability improvements:
  1. Related Records are simplified in PD Help Desk modules and in PD Change Management
  2. Adds the ability to switch between the Group style and the Tab style for a Notebook control in the web client (available for PD Help Desk modules and for PD Change Management)
  3. Adds the ticket number to the title of a record, including Interaction, Incident, Incident task, Problem, Problem task, Change, and Change task
  4. Adds a real-time counter to the Attachments and Related Records sections
  5. Enhances the ability to trace phase transition in the workflow figure
  • Adds the following Process Designer framework enhancements:
  1. Workflow-based Rule Sets replace file level format control
  2. Workflow-based Actions can be re-used across phases
  3. Workflow backend Transitions enable cross-module interaction
  4. A new tool exports Workflows into an unload file, so that you can copy Workflows from one PD-based system to another PD-based system
  • Phase orders specify the sequences for Response SLO calculation

Additionally, Service Manager Process Designer Content Pack 9.30.3 includes a number of fixes for problems that were introduced by previous Process Designer content packs.


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