
Installation Tutorial Create an empty model Reformat Date tool

Description: Enterprise Developer AWM Utility used for Base64 encoder/decoder. Overview: This is a function package for Application Workflow Manager (AWM) from a collection of tools usable by most AWM models. Installation: Before downloading the included release you must be logged onto with your own account. 1.Go to the releases and download the GA release that is available via the Get it link. 2..Download the update site from the latest release. 3.Install as any other Eclipse plug-in, using HelpInstall New Software... For a simple example showcasing all current tools, see the demo.model. For support: Go to and raise a Support Incident.

Further install instructions: AWM Utilities is a function package that extends Application Workflow Manager with additional tool types, which can be useful when developing models. The function package is an Eclipse Deployable Feature that can easily be installed on top of Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for Eclipse. To do so: 1. Download the latest release of AWM Utilities 2. Start Enterprise Developer for Eclipse and follow the detailed instructions below. For an example on how to use the included tools, see the Tutorial.

1. Select Help à Install New Software… from the main menu. The Install dialog will appear: 2. Click the Add… button. The Add Repository dialog will appear: 3. Type “AWM Utilities” in the name field (without the quotes) then click the Archive… button. A system open dialog will appear. 4. Select the “” you have downloaded and click the Open button. The Location field of the Add Repository dialog will be filled out with the path to the zip file: 5. Click the Add button. This will show the version of the AWM Utilities feature available in the zip file: 6. Click on the Next button and wait for Eclipse to check for requirements. 7. Confirm the items to be installed. 8. Review and accept the licensing terms. 9. Eclipse will warn about installing unsigned software. Click the Install anyway button. 10. Restart Eclipse to finish the installation.

After installing the function package, you can create your first model that uses the new tools.

1. Select File à New à Project… from the main menu. The New Project dialog will appear. 2. Select the General / Project wizard and click the Next button. You will only store your new model in this project, so a general project suffices. 3. Type in “Demo” for the project name (without the quotes) and click the Finish button. 4. In the Application Explorer view on the left (you must be in the Team Developer perspective), right click Enterprise Developer and select the Add System(s)… menu item. The Add System(s) dialog will appear. 5. Select “Custom System” and click the OK button. The Custom AWM System wizard will appear. 6. Name the system “Demo System” and click the Next button. 7. On the next page, select New Model and click the Create Model… button. An additional dialog titled New AWM Model will appear. 8. Select the “Demo” project, which you have previously created, as the parent folder and type in “demo.model” for the file name then click the Finish button. You will be returned to the Custom AWM System dialog. 9. Type in “Demo” for the application name and click the Finish button. 10. Your new Demo System should be visible in the Application Explorer view on the left. Normally, your model would be on a mainframe. Developing the model using a local, demo system is more comfortable, because it allows quickly reloading the application after each change. 11. Expand the Demo System and select Open Model from the Demo application’s context menu. The new, empty model will be opened. 12. Expand the top-level elements to see that the model is empty.

1. Right click Function Packages and select New Child à Utilities from the context menu. This makes all the tools provided by the AWM Utilities function package available for inclusion in the model. 2. Right click Tool Descriptors and select New Child à Utilities à Reformat Date. The Enter Object ID dialog will appear. 3. Name the tool descriptor “DEMO_TOOL_AWMUTIL_Reformat_Date” or something similarly unique (it is important to choose descriptive names, especially when merging several models) and click the OK button. As can be seen, the Reformat Date tool has one input and one output parameter. Both input and output are strings. The tool interprets its input as a date in a given format and outputs the same date, but in a different format. 4. The input and output formats can be set in the Properties view. 5. Set the formats below, which represent ISO and American dates. The changes are reflected in the model editor. 6. Next, you would select the input and output that DEMO_TOOL_AWMUTIL_Reformat_Date should work on, by selecting the input or output parameter in the model editor and choosing the appropriate modeled property in the Properties view, but no modeled properties are defined in this model yet. 7. To define modeled properties, right click Properties and select New à Property. An Enter Object ID dialog will pop up. 8. Name the property “DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Input” Then click OK. 9. Create another property called “DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Output.” Now you can select the newly created properties as Input and Output for the tool descriptor DEMO_TOOL_AWMUTIL_Reformate_Date that you’ve previously created. 10. Select the input parameter in the model editor and choose the corresponding modeled property under Essential / Target ID Parm in the Property view. After selecting the target ID, click on a different property or outside the Property view, for the change to be reflected. 11. Do the same for the output parameter, but selecting DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Output as the Target Parm ID. 12. Don’t forget to save your changes from time to time. The asterisk beside the file name on the editor’s tab represents unsaved changes. After pressing Ctrl-S, for example, changes are saved and the asterisk disappears. The Input Format and Output Format for the DEMO_TOOL_AWMUTIL_Reformat_Date tool descriptor, this one particular instance of the tool, are fixed. The parameters, the modeled properties DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Input and DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Output, on the other hand can have different values while the model is being executed. The input and output would normally come from and go to other tool descriptors. For example, a REST API call could return a timestamp in one format, which would need to be sent to the mainframe in a different format. You’re going to get your input from and show your output to the user with the help of a couple modeled dialogs. 13. Add the AWM function package to enable the use of modeled dialogs. 14. Create a modeled dialog by right clicking Tool Descriptors then selecting New Child à AWM à Open Modeled Dialog. An Enter Object ID dialog will be shown. 15. Type in “TOOL_AWM_DIALOG_Reformat_Date_Input” (without the quotes) and click OK. 16. As can be seen, the dialog is just another modeled tool descriptor. 17. Right click the dialog and select New Child à Dialog Field. A string input parameter will be created. 18. Link the dialog’s input with the DEMO_PROP_Reformat_Date_Input modeled property. Which should result in: 19. Create a second dialog for the output. 20. Save the model, before thinking about the next step. You have a tool that reformats dates, with its input and output linked to modeled properties and the properties also linked to a couple of dialogs. All you need is a way to show the input dialog to get input from the user, process the input and show the result in the output dialog. This is where actions come in. 21. Right click Actions and select New Child à Action Descriptor. Which results in: 22. Add a tool to the action by selecting New Child à Tool from its context menu. Which results in: Ignore the “TARGET_ID MISSING” for now. 23. Add two more tools. 24. Remember, the action needs to show the input dialog, process the input and show the output dialog. Link each tool under the action with the corresponding tool descriptor. With all three tools linked: 25. For the reformat date and output dialog tools, you need to tell AWM that their inputs parameters are actually coming from the previous tool, this is the order you set up the tools to be called in the action. Select input parameter of the output dialog and then select “Previous_Tool” for Parameter From in the Property view. 26. Do the same for the reformat date tool. 27. The last piece of the puzzle is adding a way for the user to trigger the action, which you can achieve by adding the action to the context menu of the application. Right click Application Options and select New Child à Application Action. 28. The added action is again a reference to a modeled action and has to be linked with your DEMO_ACT_Reformat_Date. Your model should look like: 29. Almost done. Save your model. 30. Load your application. 31. Right click the application to see its context menu. Something doesn’t look right. It’s clear what the highlighted menu item does, but the label should be fixed. 32. Select the modeled manual action in the model and set its label in the Property view. 33. You’ll notice the asterisk again, indicating that you have unsaved changes. Save your model. 34. Now you’ll notice another asterisk, beside your application. This means that changes have been made to the model, the model has been saved, but the application is not using the latest model. 35. To verify, open the application’s context menu. As you can see, the label hasn’t changed, even though you’ve changed the model and saved your changes. 36. To make the application use the latest model, select Reload Application from its context menu. 37. Verify that the label has been updated then select the menu item. 38. Although it has no title and the label of the text field is not right, this is clearly the input dialog. Type in 2019-12-01 and press OK. 39. The output dialog pops up showing the expected result according to the input and output formats you’ve selected. 40. Fix the title for the input dialog. 41. Fix the label of the text field. 42. Do the same for the output dialog. 43. Save the model and reload the application. 44. Select the action from the application’s context menu then verify the input and output dialogs. 45. Finished!

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